Wednesday, December 5, 2007

sissy bitch boy biff buys shoes and pays big

Sissy biff has a big box on the way to him full of fun things to play with
1~my nasty way old k swiss sneakers (he bought them)
2~food that i spit in and steeped on with the sneakers (i have the pics)
3~the BILL hahaha (someone needs to pay for the food....and spit..and time)
4~more fucking spit

now some of you are thinking poor little dick biff has to pay a bill? YES and bet your ass pantie boy biff will pay it the day it gets there...he has no choice he cant help it!

so now one may ask what will bitch boy biff do with his new things??
well he will get on web cam for me and let me tell him what to do (only after he pays his bill)
i will take screen shoots of all of this...the pics will be up soon

the other funny thing about biff..he got a new guitar a nice black one and I WANTED IT so we made a deal....biff gets to give it to me...its in the mail nowish...and i get to KICK him in the fucking balls as a thank you...i shit you not biff is going to drive to minnesota to bring me slippers and get kicked in the balls!!! HAHAHHAAAA
**it gets better last nite when i was pissed that a crazy cunt killed my car with a bat and a knife biff was at my side to act like a crack whore to perk me up so silly biff tells me how his stockings itch to make me laugh then he eats his took him less then 1min to make the this point i was laughing so hard it hurt....sissy biff is a good good bitch hahahhaaa