Luxuria ($$extravagance$$) ****I GET ALL OF THE NICE THINGS****
In My book not spoiling your Miss and placing your needs before Her's is a sin . your goal is to keep in the luxery she deserves and keep Her in the luxery She so rightfully deserves.
Gula (gluttony)
Using your money to make yourself fatter in the pockets and not giving you all to Her( pretty much not giving all you can again to Her and being a cheap asshole).
Avaritia (greed)
Taking advantage of a dommes time and kindness and placing yourself above all her other slaves and trying to take all her time from them( being greedy).
Acedia (sloth)
Being a lazy lil bugger and not spoiling Her to your full potential and not working hard enough to lavish Her as she deserves.
Ira (wrath, more commonly known as anger)
Getting mad at Her when she asks you to do something you dont like, its not about you its about Her!
Invidia (envy)
Being of envious of other subs and the time She spend with them( use your full potential to serving Her and you will get the same amount of time).
Superbia (pride)
you are never above anything She asks you to do.
These qualities in a sub are never acceptable.
These qualities Iam about to state are the qualities that make a sub a perfect sub.
chastity, abstinence, temperance, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility
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